Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Journey to NYC

New York city was, as I've already said it, impressive. All these buildings: Empire State Building, Trump Tower, Chrysler Building, and so on. The French word that could best applied to this city is "grandiose". One could easily feel all the prestige and the power of New York while entering Manhattan via Brooklyn Bridge. I have just a little problem with this: one could also feel that this aspect of the city does not hide sth more interesting behind. I mean, the "bling bling" aspect of the city seems to be the only one. New York is looking for a history and this is obvious. The city has a soul, this is not the problem. But it's brand new and the historic side of European cities is missing. Maybe it's because I'm European and used to these historical backgrounds of all the cities I've lived in, but I really felt sth was missing and that NYC itself felt it. Like the city is searching for some sort of legitimization through an history that does not exist yet. It's obvious while visiting the MET: most of the collection comes from the Old World. The city that never sleeps feels maybe alone in its bed.