More than just a friend

The girl I would marry if I was not gay, muhahaha. I know she's going to kill me for putting such a picture here but I'm as ridiculous as she least!Anyway, this girl (I'll keep her name hidden, she's such a star) has been my best friend for two years now. She's in Vancouver and, despite the fact that I've not seen her since last Christmas, I miss her as much as I miss my boyfriend. Because she knows me more than I would like, I just love her. An artist and a pseudo-hip intellectual, she is as tortured as I am when it comes to feelings and love stories. We also get along for this and so many other things.
Some times I just want to kill her because she has such a gift for discovering what you're really thinking ands why you behave in such a way and not another... she could easily get on my nerves for this. Until I realize she's right agaiiiiin.
And despite our separation this year, I think we have some more things in common now. First, we both have became alcoholic (the picture is just a proof), we both do not know what to do with our lives, we both wonder also if we have a life and what we should do about it, we both have complicated families, we both blablaaaa
And while I do not really enjoy what she listens to, when it comes to music she is the best. Wannabe-hip? Yes she is but not in the bitchy way. Wannabe loved? Yes but she is already, even if she tends to forget it sometimes.

Putain Boris.... You could have posted something more FLATTERING, you ASSHOLE!
Well the text is nice.
baaaaaaaaaahhhhh koment Boris vien de casser le mythe de Jessica sexy girl en 2 secondes !
HA ! lol
Franchement c'est ridicule. Je sais que la philosophie des "mondes" possibles est à la mode et qu'il faut tout envisager mais Boris pas gay, c'est trop pour moi !!!
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