Some people sometimes disturb me...
I was in a café with a friend of mine yesterday and our conversation really disturbed me. The guy was falling in love and the way he told me that totally disturbed me. The fact is that I was happy for him because I just felt he hasn't had this sort of feeling for a very long time. But my point is that the fact that he was soooo sure about his feelings about the guy ("I love him"), even if their encounter was pretty new, really made me wonder about myself. I'm never sure of my feelings about someone when it comes to love (I hate this word probably because of the fact that I'm so unable of knowing what it does mean). I mean, I've never known what it is to be in love. I suppose I've been in love but I'm not sure of it, whereas my friend was saying he's in love with this guy he almost does not know. As far as I'm concerned, my relation with my ex I'm supposed to have loved and I'm still supposed to love is not that clear. I suppose I've loved him and I supposed I'm still loving him but I'm not sure of it. How do people know?
Maybe it's when you feel those things inside you, like butterflies in the stomach. That's sound so cliché I know but everyone say that so it must be true. But I'm like you, I never know when I'm in love. I think I have felt in love with Sijeka, but maybe it's just a true friendship like the one you have with her. It's just more complicated because I'm not(no more HAha!)gay. Anyway, be reassured it's not a gay thing and you're not alone... lol Maybe that's a male typical.
G., it was a pleasure to meet you, I've never had the opportunity to say that to you. Anyway, I guess we have indeed the same attitude toward sijeka. Respect, admiration, friendship and beyond, and so on. These kinds of relations are just too great to be described. I miss that, Canadians are soooo different from Europeans when it comes to friendship.
Well, thanks for your comment, I really appreciated it. Actually, you're not the first one to tell me this but I just think people like me are made to ask questions about life, death and blabla all the time. The happiness is not our prefered state, we just have a problem with it because it just feel so weird to be happy. I can't stop ask questions, I think maybe that's my problem...or my personality...oooooh, too late for these psycho-philosophical questions! But thanks anyway Argentina!
Hi there...
It looks like you guys all know each other, but i'll butt in anyways.
I very much identify with Koala's comments. I'd had that feeling about not knowing whether i was in love with someone for a long time, but then a few years ago i met this one guy and wham, i got it. Mind you, the relationship was a disaster, but i still was willing to do anything in order to make it work. It can be that mindless...
Which brings me to my next point. That is, i think that the "falling in love" concept is overrated. Who knows what twists and quirks we have in our minds, telling us, without us knowing, what kind of person we'd fall for... Maybe the way to go is to stick with someone you simply like a lot, or some, and stay with him and try to make things work, and see if love comes.
Of course, then the question is: when do you decide you've waited long enough? And how can you tell if incompatibilities are too much?
Thanks for your post! You know, I've already tried what you're speaking of: trying to stay with someone and see if love is coming. It has never worked. One thing is that if you want a relationship to work, you just need some passion and you can only have it if there is a minimum of 'desire at first sight'. Love can come after but you definitely need this at the beginning or it is without hope. Anyway, I just feel love is more or less a concept as I have some troubles to distinguish it from passion+friendship. I have to work on this I guess...
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