Sunday, February 27, 2005

Little party yesterday night, the theme of the party was supposed to be "international". Unfortunately we ended up with only three of us dressed as pseudo international guys. My two roommates Seb (on the right) and Kevin (not here) were dressed as Afghan and Japanese. I've tried to be just European (in the 30s). I know it's not the best but I don't care, I've finished the party drunk and it was just good. Vodka vodka vodka. Posted by Hello

Me, trying ice-skating with more or less success...well, it was a good day. I will miss this kind of souvenir when I'll be back in France. Posted by Hello

Utopia from Felt Mountain (Goldfrapp) Posted by Hello

Friday, February 25, 2005

What I'm listening to these days

I don't care if you don't like.

-Afrodisiac (Brandy)
-Felt Mountain and Black Cherry (Goldfrapp)
-The diary of Alicia Keys (Alicia Keys)
-La marche de l'empereur (Emilie Simon)
-It's about time (Christina Milian)
-Production (Mirwais)

One of the best songs ever

Goldfrapp : Utopia (Album: Felt Mountain)

"It’s a strange day
No colours or shapes
No sound in my head
I forget who I am
When I’m with you
There’s no reason
There’s no sense
I’m not supposed to feel
I forget who I am
I forget
Fascist baby
Utopia, utopia
My dog needs new ears
Make his eyes see forever
Make him live like me
Again and again
Fascist baby
Utopia, utopia
My dog needs new ears
I’m wired to the world
That’s how I know everything
I’m super brain
That’s how they made me
Fascist baby
Utopia, utopia"

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Is Canada lost?

Just because those sorts of things make me wonder why I love Canada:
1) Today, in my course of International Organizations, a student asked if FoxNews was comment.
2) Another one said that US television was a good means of information...what the fuck?
3) The teacher, even if he was opposed to this by principle, actually lobbied for the adoption by Canada of the US project of Missile Defense System (you know : the stuff that does not work and costs a lot). His argument : from an economic point of view (as Canadian exports go for 85% to the USA), Canada could not afford to refuse such a thing to the USA. The USA does not want Canada to pay, they just want it to morally accept the project...As they represent the main trade partner of Canada, as far as my teacher is concerned, the risk that the USA could economically punish Canada was a good reason for accepting the US "proposition". Who said Canada was a sovereign country?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Just a new pic so as to change the old one of my profile... Posted by Hello

French politics

Another point this week struck me, this time in France.

Socialists are becoming crazy...the debate in France about the European Constitution (basically : for or against?) is leading to a divide of the Socialist Party. Even if this debate is also mixed with conflicts between politicians (who is the leader?), this fact is also true for the main right-wing party called UMP. As a matter of fact, the European debate is dividing the French political parties in two sides radically different...I don't know if they will be able to face these divisions : maybe it will just lead to the creation of new parties? I really don't know...the problem is that this confusion within the political world is all the more confusing for French people as the European debate is itself very complex.


As I'm feeling more political these days, some things have struck me.

First this whole debate around the main debate about the Iranian nuclear armamment itself or about this shitty try from the USA to renew with Europe? As usual, Europeans are using the diplomatic way and the USA are threatening Iran with military arguments. The question is, as far as I'm concerned : is this fact a proof of US imperialism again or a proof of European weakness? According to Le Monde, European diplomacy does not produce a lot of results as the European propositions done to Iran appear to be too unattractive to the Iranian government. So, the European countries involved in the process (Germany, UK and France) are asking for US support in the negotiations. Pb: the Usa actually refused this solution and prefer to threat Iran (its way to help diplomacy I guess). Iran does not seem to be willing to cooperate though and does not appreciate US threats according to the speeches of the Iranian president. As the USA could not afford to engage in military operations against Iran because of its current difficulties in Irak, I don't see the points of their threats. But a solution could be the European army. As diplomacy could not entirely work without coercitive means (not to be used but to serve as a dissuasive means), Iran just does not care of European diplomacy...if Europe has an operative European army (not yet the case), maybe Iran could take European propositions more seriously into account and this whole debate could be put to an end faster.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Fuck Science Po Paris...

Sometimes, differences between some schools seem amazing... My French school is of the same type as the well-known Science Po Paris school (Insitute of Political Sciences, a harvest for NERDS) but the difference between my school and the one in Paris is called "prestige". While my school welcomes sometimes unknown French politicians, Science Po Paris will welcome soon Condoleezza Rice, the new US State secretary...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Thinking of Vancouver, its landscapes and my best friend. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Do you speak French?

If you visit the website and if you speak French, you're going to be surprised! French language is dead...I don't want to appear old-school bourgeois French but French youth just doesn't know how to speak French anymore. The number of English terms and "verlan" words are just so numerous that it's getting hard (and funny by the same way) to understand. This website is full of shitty test on your sexuality like: "How many women are you going to fuck this next summer?". Amazing...The worst is that this site is supposed to be about health...

French paradox

Preparing a paper about the European army that has been develeloping these last years, I realized that France is actually selling submarines to Pakistan! Great! So my country, this so-called home of human rights is selling warships to a dictatorship with nuclear power and a country which has always tensed relations with India... I just don't get it! Economy I guess is, one more time, superior to politics.