Wednesday, April 27, 2005

He has left us, he has come back to France...Thanks for all these wonderfull times Sébastien and you know I will like you forever. He has become sort of a brother for me during this 9 months spent together. With Kevin, my other roommates, he is the only straight guy who managed to change me and make me better than I came in. I wish you all the happiness you could reach,

P.S: You even succeeded in making me cry, you bastard! Lol, good one though!  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I will see you again

Sebastien, one of my best friends and roommate, is leaving today for France. I am feeling pretty bad... The end of my year in Canada is approaching.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

I feel weird

While in France a BIG debate is presently going on about the European Constitution (a referendum will be held on this point on May 29th), I can't help but feeling weird.
According to recent polls, the "NO" in France to this European Constitution may be the winner of the referendum. Of course, as an European, I will vote "YES" for this constitution because this text which has been written in 3 years by Europeans of different countries, cultures, political regimes, political organizations, blabla, is a real chance for Europe. It will allow the EU (25 countries) to function properly and it's the first time a real POLITICAL aspect is added to the economic side which has always been privileged before. Anyway, 55% of the French voters are likely to vote NO...and especially those who define themselves as left-minded. And the majority of the right-wing voters are likely to vote YES. It's the first time I feel myself more on the right-wing side...Of course, a lot of leftists are going to vote YES as well but still...I feel weird about that.
A lot of left-wing politicians are fighting against this constitution. I don't get it: according to them this consitution is liberal. Excuse me? This consitution recognizes a lot of social rights, such as the right to strike, that even the French constitution does not recognize... I feel it's just a very selfish way of obtaining some advertisement.
A bizarre thing is also the fact that extremist left-wing parties and extremist left-wing parties are all fighting against the European constitution (with different arguments though). But this only fact is enough for me: this Constitution represents progress and liberties and, as usual, extremists could not agree with this... This point by itself legitimize this constitutional text for me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

More than just a friend

The girl I would marry if I was not gay, muhahaha. I know she's going to kill me for putting such a picture here but I'm as ridiculous as she least!Anyway, this girl (I'll keep her name hidden, she's such a star) has been my best friend for two years now. She's in Vancouver and, despite the fact that I've not seen her since last Christmas, I miss her as much as I miss my boyfriend. Because she knows me more than I would like, I just love her. An artist and a pseudo-hip intellectual, she is as tortured as I am when it comes to feelings and love stories. We also get along for this and so many other things.
Some times I just want to kill her because she has such a gift for discovering what you're really thinking ands why you behave in such a way and not another... she could easily get on my nerves for this. Until I realize she's right agaiiiiin.
And despite our separation this year, I think we have some more things in common now. First, we both have became alcoholic (the picture is just a proof), we both do not know what to do with our lives, we both wonder also if we have a life and what we should do about it, we both have complicated families, we both blablaaaa
And while I do not really enjoy what she listens to, when it comes to music she is the best. Wannabe-hip? Yes she is but not in the bitchy way. Wannabe loved? Yes but she is already, even if she tends to forget it sometimes. Posted by Hello

Music I'm listening to these days

- Requiem of Mozart
- Felt Mountain of Goldfrapp (at the moment)
- Baroque Music
- Highlights of Ranee Lee (Canadian jazz singer)
- Swing swing of Nicolas Repac (electro/jazz of the 1930s)
- American Life of Madonna

Monday, April 11, 2005

Soélie and Sé comment, I love these guys and that's all! Posted by Hello

Gastronomy of Quebec. Here is what you can eat in a "cabane à sucre". From 3 to 8 o'clock, I felt myself FAT! No wonder why. It was good though. Maple sugar everywhere, mmmmm. Posted by Hello

Sebastien and me in the back of a car...why? It's not your business! Posted by Hello

End of birthday time and come back to Quebec. Here is a Poutine T-Rex, the grassest thing you could eat on earth...only in Quebec... Posted by Hello

Anita, Nadia and Linda. I've met the two on the right during my course called "Sexuality in visual arts". Except for my best friend who is now still in Vancouver, these girls are the best. Anita on the left is so nice too! I've met her thanks to Linda. Love you girls, I had such a blast! Posted by Hello

Booby and me, I guess we were already drunk: wine, vodka, rhum,... I'm definitely alcoholic now... I'll need at least two bottles of wine per week when I'll be back in France, ooops Posted by Hello

My birthday party with a good part of my Montrealer friends even if several are missing on this picture. Anita, Nadia, Linda, Valerie, Bobby and me... Posted by Hello

Myself in front of the Boris good. Posted by Hello

My roommates and myself after a French exquisite one of course. Basically we spent the whole time speaking about sex, surronding by CEOs speaking about whether or not they should buy Euros or Dollars, hahaha. Posted by Hello


I'm sorry, I have been soooo busy these days. I'll try to be more serious about this blog. Here are some pictures I have to post because the 8th of April was a very good day (birthday). It allowed me to gather all the people I appreciate here in Montreal (even if some were missing).
Good news: I'm going to Bulgaria for two months this summer!!!!!! Internship stuff...