Wednesday, November 24, 2004


I'm sorry, as I don't have access to the Internet at home, my posts have been rare these times. Despite the fact that I'm not an administrative organization:
"We are sorry to inform you that the service could not be provided because of a failure of the system. Please, try later."
Lot of work these times, I'll be back when I'll have done all this homework (research essays...).

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Journey to NYC

New York city was, as I've already said it, impressive. All these buildings: Empire State Building, Trump Tower, Chrysler Building, and so on. The French word that could best applied to this city is "grandiose". One could easily feel all the prestige and the power of New York while entering Manhattan via Brooklyn Bridge. I have just a little problem with this: one could also feel that this aspect of the city does not hide sth more interesting behind. I mean, the "bling bling" aspect of the city seems to be the only one. New York is looking for a history and this is obvious. The city has a soul, this is not the problem. But it's brand new and the historic side of European cities is missing. Maybe it's because I'm European and used to these historical backgrounds of all the cities I've lived in, but I really felt sth was missing and that NYC itself felt it. Like the city is searching for some sort of legitimization through an history that does not exist yet. It's obvious while visiting the MET: most of the collection comes from the Old World. The city that never sleeps feels maybe alone in its bed.

What I believe in. I know this sentence is naive but, except the European Union, the UN are the organization that I respect the most. Of course, its inefficiency for peace-keeping is well-known but its activities through the UNESCO for example is all the more respectable. And at least, the UN are one of the rare organizations that care about AIDS. Posted by Hello

I must say I've never seen so many US flags before. Everywhere, it was unbelievable. I'm sick of it now! It's quite disturbing for an European guy to see so many symbols of nationalism in a Western country as European countries have, for the most, stopped to be nationalist as this idea is associated to extreme right-wing parties.  Posted by Hello

The Metropolitan Art Museum was one of the best visits I've done. Its collection is quite impressive. I have mostly visited the Egyptian sectian and the European section composed of paintings for the most part. Favourite ones: David, El Greco, Panini (I didn't know it before, this Italian painter is impressive, its paintings are full of amazing details, especially the one representing the "Basilique St Pierre de Rome"). Some culture in the heart of NYC, it feels good to me. Posted by Hello

The symbol of freedom, this present offered by France to American people a long time ago...It makes me sad when I think at what the USA has become compared to what they symbolized a few years ago...The American dream, politically speaking (because the economically speaking, the American dream still exists), does not exist anymore. Posted by Hello

Friday, November 05, 2004

Yasser Arafat

As you probably heard it, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, is in France for health treatments, and, according to the media, he is about to die. According to French doctors, he was yesterday in a state of "mort cerebrale" (brain death?). This event triggers off many issues: who is going to lead the Palestinian government? How Israel and their supporter, the USA, will react? Does this announced death represent a chance for a political solution to the conflict between the Palestinian people and the Israelis or is it the beginning of a more important political chaos?
While the more important part of North-American press is focusing on the US presidential elections, one must not underestimate the importance of such a death, if he really dies. The Middle-East is the most "hot" place in the world these days. The events that occur in the Palestinian territories are likely to have a huge impact on the whole region.

Good beginning...

Sometimes, things just do not make any sense and you can do absolutely nothing against it... this morning for example: arriving in my classroom, I realize that I have no course or maybe the course is somewhere else? As I have a paper to give on this day, I check gmail in order to see if the teacher emailed me or does not work this morning! Such a surprise! Aaaaah! I'm supposed to go to NYC in a few hours, I hope the end of the day will be better than the beginning.
I think I have a theory for such events: "bad news never come alone". We'll see if the reality confirms the theory.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Me, myself and I

As I am quite narcissist (at least I acknowledge it!), I will put some pics of me sometimes... This one is not the best but it's good enough...I hope. Others will follow soon! And, yes!, I will really try to be less self-centred but that's harder than I first thought. Posted by Hello

Zazie..classy, isn't it? You could check her website for more information, it is quite weird but you could listen to her last song "rodéo" : (Ze web). Posted by Hello

By the way: my three lovely roommates... Posted by Hello

American Dream

In spite of the results of the presidential elections within the USA, I have decided to go to NYC this week-end, one of my dreams. I am going to the part of the country which voted mainly for Kerry at least... I hope to find in new work interesting people (that is, no Texans) . Well, maybe I will be able to take some photographies of the city and post them on this blog. Soooo excited. I'm going there with European Bush has been reelected, I hope France (me!) will be able to go through the border between Canada and the USA...

P.S: Don't expect me to comment on the US elections, I am already angry about that shit! No comment... Americans are definitely stupid, for the main part at least. How could they legitimate the errors of the Bush administration. I'm thinking of the persons who have encouraged to vote against Bush like Michael Moore or Madonna. They maybe will emigrate...I would do that I think if I was American.

New album

The new album "Rodéo" of Zazie, a French artist who is becoming more and more electro in her sounds, will be available (only in France for the moment unfortunately) this month. Her realizations are less made for the radio than before and this is maybe a good point. Her texts were her more important argument before but as she moving towards electro music, the result is more than great. I'm totally fan and I invite you to discover one of the more important artists.

Like a virgin

Since I am in Canada for the academic year (studies related to sexuality) and as I feel comfortable enough with my English now, maybe this is the right time to begin a blog about Queer issues, European politics, Arts, and so on. I hope you will not be disapointed.