Viva Romano Prodi!!!

Tonight was the occasion of the first debate on TV between Berlusconi and Romano Prodi, the leader of the Italian left-wing coalition. The debate was dealing with economics and development.
I must say that PRODI RULES!
Indeed, while Berlusconi centered all his discourses on the past (especially the so-called failures of the previous left-wing governments), on the program of the left-wing coalition (named "l'Unione") and on the non appropriate character of the debate regarding the rules of the debate. It just acknowledged the vacuity of its own program. On the contrary, Prodi spoke about its program, about the future, respect (as Berlusconi does not know this word)and about HOPE. I was really inspiring, much more than Berlusconi that appeared tonight as the frightened Italy, the Italy that does not dare to move and go forward. Prodi spoke to the youth, expressing its will to give it more chances than it has now. He is looking forward, and as he expressed it, he has already been Presidente del Consiglio (the Italian Prime Minister) and President of the European Commission. He has nothing to prove, and we could feel that he was deeply interested in Italy's future.
Let's hope the elections of April, 9th will be in favor of L'Unione and Prodi.
Viva Italia!
P.S: The elections are concerning the Italian Parliament, which rules over the nomination of the Prime Minister. The Italian President is not elected by the Italians and he has almost no power. The Italian system is a parliamentary one. Basically the winner of the election will be the leader of the winning parties'coalition.